15th Anniversary Editions of Bicycle Quarterly (4 Magazines)


To celebrate Bicycle Quarterly’s 15th anniversary, we increased the size of the magazine and put together a number of truly outstanding editions. We now offer them in a special 4-pack.

Peter Weigle’s story of the superlight bike he built for the French Concours de Machines… The incredible ride up Kurakake Pass in Japan… The life of Lyli Herse, 8 times French Champion… How Shimano became the dominant force in bicycle components… Riding a 1947 René Herse tandem across the Vercors mountains in France… The incredible story of the Japanese Passhunters, who explored distant mountain passes long before mountain bikes were invented… Traversing the rugged Copper Canyons of northern Mexico…

On almost 500 pages, these Bicycle Quarterly editions will provide many hours of reading enjoyment. The set includes BQ 61 – 64.

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