Bicycle Quarterly Charity Drive

Posted by: Jan Heine Category: Product News

Bicycle Quarterly Charity Drive

We are grateful that we can ride beautiful bicycles, both for enjoyment and for transportation. We discuss issues like geometry, load placement and the advantages of generator over battery lights.
Much of the world is less fortunate. Even in the United States, one of the richest countries anywhere, there are many people whose most basic needs aren’t met. One of the ways Bicycle Quarterly Press has chosen to make a difference is our charity drive. We will donate half of all magazine subscriptions and selected book orders through December 8, 2011.

We will give 50% of the purchase price of each Bicycle Quarterly subscription and renewal, as well as of our book The Competition Bicycle, to charities that help make the world a better place. Simply order online or send a check. You do not need a special code or coupon. (If you send a check, make sure it is postmarked by December 8.)

If you have been thinking about subscribing to Bicycle Quarterly or buying our book, please do so now, and do a good deed at the same time. Bicycle Quarterly sells these subscriptions and books below cost so that we can help make a difference.
In recent years, we have chosen two charities, Doctors without Borders and Save the Children, who help alleviate the most urgent needs all over the world. This year, we add the Union of Concerned Scientists, an organization that works toward making the world a better place. The proceeds of the Bicycle Quarterly Press charity drive will be split evenly between the three charities.
We also encourage you to work within your local communities by contributing your time and/or your money. Thank you so much!

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