Summer 2014 Bicycle Quarterly

Posted by: Jan Heine Category: Bicycle Quarterly Back Issues

Summer 2014 Bicycle Quarterly

The Summer 2014 Bicycle Quarterly is at the printer. We spent most of April in Japan, where we found cycling, culture, and bicycle manufacturing that were even more amazing than we ever imagined. This issue features our first reports.
For our tour of the Shinshu Mountains (cover), we set out with a rudimentary map and no Japanese language skills. We discovered empty roads, met monkeys and climbed mythical mountain passes. Join us in this splendid adventure!
We got to look over the shoulders of two Keirin framebuilders. Learn about the mythical “NJS-approved” bicycles used for this unique sport. Join us as we visit Panaracer to find out how tires are made, and discuss tire technology with Panaracer’s engineers.
We witnessed an impressive demonstration of “Rinko”, which transformed a full randonneur bike into a travel-ready package – in just 12 minutes.
From today’s Japan, we take you to mid-century Italy: After more than a decade of research on Tullio Campagnolo, the time has come to reassess a few of the legends that surround the most revered of all bicycle companies. Did Campagnolo really invent the quick release? Where did the inspiration for the parallelogram derailleur come from? More importantly, we explore how Campagnolo’s concept of a component group, with all parts designed to work together seamlessly, revolutionized bicycles. We look at many of Campagnolo’s large and small innovations that continue to be used today.
Closer to home, we rode two wide-tire titanium bikes. Can Lynskey’s 650B machine combine the joyous performance of their racing model with the comfort and handling of wide tires?
Bilenky’s tandem has it all: titanium frame, couplers, full touring racks, wide 650B tires, low-trail geometry… How does this impressive feat of fabrication perform on the road?
Who doesn’t want to go faster with less energy? Learn about the aero tuck in our Skills column. We show you how to increase your downhill speed. Stop pedaling and tuck instead!
Those are just a few of the articles in the Summer 2014 Bicycle Quarterly. Subscribe today to receive the new issue without delay.

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